‘Road to Terra Numa’ is a series of posts and other content (ie: podcast episodes, etc) laying out the vision, journey, and process by which this ministry unfolds.

We sat down and recorded some of the backstory and a brief overview of what the big idea is for Terra Numa. We talk about holistic farm ministry, our hearts for renewal and wholeness in the Body of Christ, and a little bit of our personal story. Don’t miss this podcast episode if you are curious about who we are and where we are going!

Listen on YouTube:

Jason Fowler

Jason Fowler

Terra Numa co-founder

Jason and his wife Pam have been experimenting with church planting, house church, intentional community, and living a whole-life Christian faith for over two decades. Husband and father of seven, he is an artist, agrarian, and storyteller at heart. The Fowlers live and work in Bedford County, Virginia plotting a course to establishing Terra Numa Farm and Retreat. If failure could be a credential he would be a PhD.

You can reach him at:


Pam Fowler

Pam Fowler

Terra Numa co-founder

Pam and her husband Jason have been experimenting with church planting, house church, intentional community, and living a whole-life Christian faith for over two decades. Wife and mother of seven, she is passionate about holistic health, has a heart for people and animals, and loves being outdoors. The Fowlers live and work in Bedford County, Virginia plotting a course to establishing Terra Numa Farm and Retreat. If there is an animal in need in a five mile radius they will find Pam.


Terra Numa

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