Soil & Spirit

From Eden to the New Earth

Our Vision

Terra Numa is a whole-life Christian ministry calling Christians to the fullness of the Gospel, and an embodied pursuit of Jesus and His kingdom. We seek to do this through five key areas:

Rhythms of Prayer

Jesus taught us to pray: ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in the heavens.’ Through rhythms of prayer we fine tune our hearts to God’s. We believe in the power of prayer.

Creativity & Culture Making

GOD made us in His image and likeness. We can all be creators in some way. Arts and crafts, if we let them, can be a language of the heart. We believe in the power of arts and crafts.

Community & Hospitality

Our culture has taught us to be ‘soverign selves’. But Jesus calls us to love one another. And in order to love one another we must be in proximity to one another. We believe in the power of a shared life.

Healing of Body, Soul, Spirit

Jesus spent His public ministry healing all who came to Him – body, soul, and spirit. Through His Holy Spirit we too are lead into this healing ministry. We believe in God’s power to heal and deliver.

Being Rooted In the Land

God formed us from the soil and we never lose that original Eden call to be keepers and cultivators of the earth. We believe in the importance of ecological agriculture and wild spaces.

Reflections and News

(Coming Soon)