The Call

Jesus taught us to pray: ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in the heavens.’ Through prayer we fine tune our hearts to God’s. We believe in the necessity of purposeful prayer for a deep life with God, personally and collectively.

GOD made us in His image and likeness. Like Him, we are creators, each in our own way. We believe in the necessity of creativity, the arts, craft, and culturemaking to fully live into who God made us to be.

We live in a time of fractured families, relational isolation, and superficial connections. We believe community starts with hospitality and a willingness to enter into each other’s lives. Jesus called us to a shared life and a communal witness.

We are people of the soil. God formed us from the very ground. We believe our faith is to be lived out, not in the four walls of a building, but in the earth that God has made for us to steward. From the farm to the forest we believe God’s people are being called back to the land.
Reflections and News
Vision For Farm Ministry (Audio)
Hear the backstory and a brief overview of what the big idea is for Terra Numa. We talk about holistic farm ministry, renewal in the Body of Christ, and a little bit of our personal story. Don’t miss this podcast episode if you are curious about who we are and where we are going!
A Broken Forest
As we went deeper in, the thickness of the bamboo slowed any movement. Many parts were almost impassible. This was an outward display of my inner world.
Memory and Prophecy | Road to Terra Numa
Two months ago I awoke early in the morning, reflecting on past and future of our farm ministry.
God’s Visitation? The Lesson of the Asbury Awakening
This has always struck me. Jesus weeping over the center of religious power. God in the flesh weighing the soul of a city, the city of the great temple – and declaring an end to the power. Because they did not recognize the time of visitation.